Friday, December 3, 2010

Sincerely, Onlooker.

Well now you're quiet an attractive lad,
But oh! Oh no!  Yikes! Egad!

When the sir turned around all I could see
Were loads upon loads of back acne.

Hide the children and shield your eyes,
Spare them the asthma inducing surprise.

Overall, I do asses,
You are quite the melancholy mess.

So if you might, and I hope you will,
Please buy a sweater and make your backside nil.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A Rewrite of a Previous Piece to fall in line with The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao

Casual banality will no longer keep me at ease

I yearn to inhale once more


Be laughed with




And land.

Invisible chains will shatter with an earsplitting yap

As I swoop over the cliffs to claim my inheritance.

I soar above horizons zenith

And claim the portion that’s been idly awaiting my release

And when the alien satiation will overtake me

I beam and unclench.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Cloning Beautiful People Makes the World a Better Place.

So college has proved a refreshing breather from the intense anguish high school seems to inject into one my life but college has several additional perks. My most favored as of now being the celebrity look alikes ive managed to spot.

-Theres a Lenardo Decaprio in Architectural Design
- Seth Green's conveniently situated across from my seat in Calc
- A Harry Potter inhabits the adjoining dorm
- My best friend in Stony as of now is an exact replica of Milla Jovovich.

College may not be a walk in the park but its pretty close to a walk on Sunset.

Life as a College Renegade.

Ryan : They just sent a security guard to look for my microwave...

Jane: Did they find it?

Ryan : No he moved a box to try and trace the wire but there were too many. I got woken up by a microwave cop :/.

Jane: That's life as an undergraduate rebel Ryan.

Monday, August 9, 2010

A Day In The Life of Naje*.

............I am working diligently on my Economics homework. It's late and I've been smitten with sickness that I've been fending off arm and limb for the previous 24 hours. At a painstaking sloth like pace i make my way onto the fourth problem. I mentally pinch my conscience in attempt to prevent myself from toppling over from my swivel arm chair head first onto the carpet, which for other than the filth it's covered in, is an attractive alternative for my bed that taunts me across the room. But enough is enough, midnight is dawning and I have a 6 o'clock wake up call so I force my mind's roaming to revert back to the oversized textbook cutting of my hamstring circulation. Reading the question at hand, it says "How do unicorns affect the natural rate of unemployment?". So now I have to consider whether Pepto Bismol is a hallucinogenic because I sincerely doubt that the author of my textbook has taken such a creative approach to explaining economics principals. I do, however, momentarily consider the possibility that if employed, this superior species of equine that is, frictional employment would increase as the entrance of more efficient workers in perhaps the mining industry or in freelance gardening would push out our own homo sapiens. Dumping those raucous jumping beans of thought I refocused my attention and fought against the weighty pull of gravity on my eyelids to once again find the beginning of the sentence and attempt to regain my sanity. My perseverance payed off in the end when I discovered the cryptic scenario at hand. The word "unions" and "unicorns" have far too many letters in common.

.............Hello dyslexia. My name is naje.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Me and You. Just us Two.

You explore
You probe the boundaries of existence
You dig deep into reality and time.

I question
Every now and then I dispute
I wonder what it's like to be brilliant
Your mind is a convoluted maze of intricately crafted gears,
All fitting into one another with infallible accuracy as they turn in a continual rhythm.

Meanwhile your ponderings take hold of your conscience
Theories materialize like levitating pods without foundation
But as you jabber by logic constructs grounds
Coherence that is all but logical.

I'm relieved its illogic you seep.

It is all i can decipher
And despite your brand of insanity not being lock and key with my own
It seems as though desolation calls for a familiar.

Accept what sanity evades me.

You know that variant wavelengths are inaudible
And silent life is pitiful existence
So just give in.

We are the same crescent and the same trough.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Hunk'o Chunk 'o Green.

After a grueling two hour chauffeured drive from Stony Brook back to good ole Brooklyn, I resolved my next political undertaking. Inching our way down Nichols road I decided that another lane ought to be added to the LI expressway and the entire highway network as a whole. For those environmentally conscious, a green lane should be gratefully offered. Even increasingly conservative, this path need not even to be built ! It happens to be situated comfortably adjacent to the existing roads.

Ouija ! That center patch of green; that overlooked hunk'o grass is just uselessly wasting away. So simple you're kicking yourself right now for by thinking of it first huh? It's alright don't harsh the mellow, underachievers just make success that much sweeter.